There are a variety of minors and other majors that students can pursue at UCLA while pursuing the Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics or Business Economics.

The Minors below are extremely popular with our students:

The Minor in Accounting provides students with a comprehensive background in different accounting topics including financial and managerial accounting, taxation, financial statement analysis and more. The accounting program not only prepares students to enter careers in public and private accounting but also related fields, such as banking and consulting.

The Minor in Entrepreneurship introduces undergraduate students to the field of entrepreneurship. Through a carefully developed core curriculum, and an integrative capstone experience, students in the minor obtain both breadth and depth in their understanding of the concepts, frameworks and practical implications of entrepreneurship.

The Minor in Labor and Workplace Studies offers UCLA undergraduates an opportunity to learn about the workplace and the social, political, and economic forces that influence it. The minor places emphasis on the labor market, public policy, employment relations, unions, and working-class movements. It also explores issues of race, class, and gender in the workplace.

Please click here for a complete list of Minors at UCLA.

The Majors below are extremely popular with our students:

The joint major in Mathematics/Economics is particularly recommended for students interested in pursuing a Ph.D. in Economics or related disciplines. This degree program is designed to give students a solid foundation in both mathematics and economics, stressing those areas of mathematics and statistics that are most relevant to economics and the parts of economics that emphasize the use of mathematics and statistics.  Please note that if a student is majoring in Economics or Business Economics, he/she cannot pursue a double major in Mathematics/Economics.  For information about other majors in the Mathematics Department, click here.

The three majors in the Psychology Department are also very popular with our students.  The Psychology major is the most general of the three majors and offers both broad and in-depth coverage of the fundamental and traditional areas of psychology. It provides students with a strong foundation for postgraduate education in psychology and can serve as excellent background to prepare them for further training in such fields as law, education, government and public policy, business, and many of the health-related professions. Its basic liberal-arts orientation also provides excellent foundation for immediate post-baccalaureate careers in many areas, particularly ones in which an understanding of human behavior and its diversity of expression would be an asset.

The undergraduate major in Political Science aims to provide understanding of basic political processes and institutions as these operate in different national and cultural contexts. It also covers the interaction between national states, the changing character of the relations between citizens and governments, and the values and criteria by which the quality of political life is judged. The program may be individually focused to serve the needs of the liberal arts major, the student seeking preparation for graduate work in political science, public administration, law, and other professional fields, and the student preparing for specialized roles in political and public organizations.

For information about how to pursue a double major in the College, please click here.

Students in our majors also tend to double major with one of the majors in the Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science.  For information about pursuing a double major with HSSEAS, please meet with an academic counselor in HSSEAS, and click here.

Please click here for a complete list of Majors at UCLA.