UCLA Department of Economics Scholarships for the 2025-2026 Academic Year


Applications for the UCLA Department of Economics Scholarships are available beginning March 24, 2025! We appreciate the generous contributions of our donors who made these scholarships possible. Scholarship amounts range from $3,500 to $5,000 each.  

To view the list of these scholarship opportunities from our Department, please click here.  

To see a list of scholarship recipients from 2024-2025 and also previous years, please click here.  


Application Opens: March 24, 2025 

Application Deadline: April 14, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. PDT 

Scholarship recipients notified by end of May 

The donors have specified particular criteria for many of the awards. However, the following information applies to all scholarship applicants:  

  • You must be officially declared as an Economics or a Business Economics major by the application deadline or you must be pre-major status and qualify for the major by the end of Winter quarter 2025 to be eligible to apply. (*See Important Note below)  
  • You must be a full-time UCLA student (12 units minimum) in each of Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters for the upcoming academic year.  
  • U.S. citizens, Permanent Residents, and international students are eligible to apply; however, international students may not apply for scholarships that are based on financial need. If you are applying for any of the scholarships that are based on financial need, you should have completed a FAFSA/DREAM application to be considered. Priority deadline for Financial Aid was at the beginning of March but the Financial Aid office may consider applications based on availability.  
  • The scholarship funds will be disbursed in equal amounts to each recipient in Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters in the upcoming academic year.  
  • The bio of each award recipient will be posted in the Scholarships section of the Department of Economics website.  


*Important Note if you are Not Officially Declared as Economics or Business Economics: 

If you will not be officially declared as an Economics or Business Economics major by the scholarship application deadline, please include a note on the bottom of your personal statement to explain why and indicate when you anticipate being declared officially. This is especially relevant for students applying for Business Economics this Spring and students who are pursuing a double major.  


Additionally, if you are not officially in the Minor in Accounting or the Minor in Entrepreneurship, but will be by this Spring, please indicate this on the bottom of your personal statement.  


**New students admitted for Fall 2025 are not yet eligible to apply for Department scholarships. 

Step 1: Please review the list of scholarships available through the following link: https://economics.ucla.edu/undergraduate/honors-and-scholarships/scholarships/ 


Step 2: To apply for a scholarship, please log in on https://ucla.academicworks.com/ using your UCLA Logon.  

Step 3: Using the platform indicated in Step 2, complete the general application that UCLA requires of any student applying for its scholarships. The general application questions are meant to match you to any opportunities that are available not only through the Department of Economics, but also through any department that is also using this platform.  


Step 4: Search for the Department of Economics scholarship you are interested in applying for by either looking through all of the available scholarships or typing in “Economics” or part of the scholarship name into the search bar.  


Step 5: Complete the application by the deadline, April 14, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. PDT.  

*Please wait to submit your application until all of your Winter quarter grades have been posted to your DAR. Keep in mind, you must have submitted an application to declare the major officially by the application deadline.* 


When uploading any files, please be sure that they are titled, using your last name and first initial. Example: Bruin-J  


Award recipients are required to write a thank you note to the donor of their awarded scholarship and complete post acceptance information.  

Scholarships are for the upcoming academic year. Receiving a scholarship for one year does not guarantee nor preclude a student from being awarded a scholarship the following year.  

For questions, please contact the Department of Economics Undergraduate Advising Office via the Message Center. In the subject line, type “Econ Undergrad Scholarship Questions, 2025-2026 Year.”