Roya Dadgar

2019 John J. Peterson Scholarship Recipient

Biography: Roya Dadgar is a fourth year Business Economics major and Public Affairs minor. She previously served as a member of the executive board of a consulting club on campus, UConsulting, and was able to host events for the larger UCLA community through this role. She is also part of Club Tennis and Club JKD. As part of the UCLA Career Peers, she is passionate about helping fellow students pursue their career goals. During her free time, Roya enjoys spending time with friends, playing and watching tennis, and discovering new places in LA and learning about other cultures.

Future Plans: Roya has accepted an offer to be a Business Analyst at Deloitte Consulting in the Human Capital branch. Her passion for employee well-being and her curiosity for the future of the workplace make Human Capital a good fit. She plans to pursue an MBA after gaining some work experience in consulting. Ultimately, she would like to work towards expanding corporate social responsibility and diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

What does this scholarship mean to me? I am so honored to have been selected as the recipient of the John J. Peterson Scholarship. My family is grateful to the Petersons for this scholarship’s contribution towards my tuition. This scholarship inspires me to work hard so that I can also invest in students in this way in the future as well. I hope to spend my last quarter at UCLA mentoring other students with similar aspirations.