UCLA Welcomes Three New Faculty Members
The UCLA Economics Department is very happy to be joined by three new faculty this year.

Volker Nocke
Volker Nocke joins us from Mannheim as a Full Professor. Professor Nocke is an expert in Industrial Economics and International Trade. Much of his recent work has been concerned with mergers and competition policy. He has published in the American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, and Review of Economic Studies. He previously held positions at the Universities of Pennsylvania and Oxford.

Jonathan Vogel
Jonathan Vogel joins us from Columbia University as a Full Professor. Professor Vogel is an expert in International Trade. His recent work studies the skill premium and immigration in the context of trade. He has published in the Journal of Political Economy, Quarterly Journal of Economics, and Review of Economic Studies. After obtaining his Ph.D. from Princeton, Professor Vogel joined UCLA as an Assistant Professor. We welcome him back!

Katherine Meckel
Katherine Meckel joins us from Texas A&M as an Assistant Professor. Professor Meckel’s research studies the design of public policies, including Medicaid and nutrition assistance. She recently graduated from Columbia University and spent 2015-16 as a post-doc at the University of Chicago.
On a less fortunate note, Leah Boustan left the Department for Princeton after more than a decade at UCLA. We wish her the best of luck in her future endeavors.