Ellie Taraska

2020 Robert D. & Margaret A. Wark Memorial Scholarship Recipient


Biography: Ellie Taraska is a third year Economics major, who is hoping to double major in Statistics. She is from Boston, Massachusetts but now considers Los Angeles her home. On campus, Ellie currently serves as the Vice President of Finance for UCLA Panhellenic and is a volunteer for UCLA’s Volunteer Income Tax Association. Additionally, she works at the UCLA Anderson Graduate School of Business in the Marketing and Communications department as a marketing intern. Outside of her classes and extracurriculars, Ellie likes exploring Los Angeles, playing soccer, and spending time with her friends.

Future Plans: Ellie will be staying in Los Angeles this summer to intern at Intrepid Investment Bankers. She is excited to bring what she has learned from the classroom and her extracurriculars to the team this summer and learn more about mergers and acquisitions. After graduation, she hopes to work in finance and is considering going back to school after a few years to pursue a Master’s in Business Administration or a Master’s in Data Science.

What does this scholarship mean to me? I truly cannot express how grateful I am to the Wark Family for making this scholarship possible. With all of the struggles that have come this year during the COVID-19 pandemic, scholarships like the  Robert D. & Margaret A. Wark Memorial Scholarship are even more important. This scholarship will greatly impact not only my success at UCLA this year but also my success in the future. I am able to focus more on my extracurriculars, community service, and academics because of this scholarship. Being recognized by the Economics department for my academic achievements also means a great deal to me and motivates me to continue to work hard.