Conference in honor of Hugo Hopenhayn

Hugo Hopenhayn
This weekend the department hosted a conference in honor of Hugo Hopenhayn. Since receiving his Ph.D. from Minnesota, Professor Hopenhayn has made fundamental contributions to industrial organization, macroeconomics and finance. Professor Hopenhayn is perhaps best known for his work on the evolution of industries, where he has provided elegant, tractable and quantitatively accurate models of industry transitions. He has also published path breaking papers on patents, unemployment insurance, and financial contracts.
Reflecting Professor Hopenhayn’s broad interests, the conference featured papers on topics as diverse as gender wage gaps, dynamic bidding in auctions, and capital misallocation. Participants included Professor Hopenhayn’s colleagues and coauthors, including Nobel prize winner Edward Prescott (ASU), Richard Rogerson (Princeton) and VV Chari (Minnesota). Also in attendance were many of Professor Hopenhayn’s former students, including Andy Skrzypacz (Stanford), Gianluca Clementi (NYU), and Matt Mitchell (Toronto).
The conference was co-sponsored by the Center of the Advanced Study in Economics Efficiency at ASU.