Entries by Jerry Liu

Amazon Chief Economist gives MAE Distinguished Lecture

  As part of the MAE Distinguished Speaker series, Pat Bajari, the Chief Economist of Amazon, gave a talk on using big data in practice. His talk focused on the methodology of how to continuous refine algorithms to make steady improvements, by developing new models, training them on data and then testing them against competitors. […]

David K. Levine

Professor David K. Levine graduated from UCLA in 1977, earning a dual degree of Bachelors in Mathematics and a Masters in Economics. He was enrolled as a UCLA student during high school, but he later studied at Harvard University for a year before coming back to UCLA in his second year and finishing his degrees. […]

Understanding Network Formation

Social and economic networks permeate our lives. They play an important role in determining how diseases spread, which products we buy, how much education we attain, and even whether to smoke. Since social and economic networks are central to our economic well-being, economists have recently become increasingly interested in exploring how social and economic networks […]

Volker Nocke scientific chair of EARIE conference

Professor Volker Nocke is the scientific program chair of the 44thAnnual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), which takes place from August 31 till September 2, 2017 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. With more than 400 participants from Europe, North America, and the rest of the world, it is the largest […]

2017 Department of Economics Commencement

We wish to congratulate the Department of Economics Class of 2017.  We wish our graduates the best of luck in their future endeavors. On Saturday, June 17, 2017, approximately 800 students graduated from our Department, with Bachelors degrees in Economics, Business Economics, and Mathematics/Economics. These students are going in to consulting, tech, and banking jobs, […]

Richard C. Hartnack

Board of Visitors   Mr. Richard C. Hartnack Director Freddie Mac Rick began his career in banking in 1971 at First National Bank of Oregon, which became a subsidiary of First Interstate Bank.  He rose from Management Trainee to Executive Vice President and head of Corporate Banking.  In 1982 he moved to First Chicago where […]

Venu Kotamraju

Board of Visitors   Mr. Venu Kotamraju President Ram Food Products, Inc. Venu Kotamraju graduated as a double major from UCLA with a BA in Economics (’95) and BS in Mechanical Engineering (’95) and later returned for his MBA (’99) from Anderson.  He currently resides in Makati City, Philippines, where he is the President of […]

Terry D. Kramer

Board of Visitors   Mr. Terry D. Kramer Lecturer/Faculty Advisor, UCLA Anderson School Former U.S. Ambassador Terry has a 30 year career in telecommunications. For 18 of the 30 years, Terry worked for Vodafone Group Plc/AirTouch Communications in a variety of roles domestically and internationally including Group Strategy and Business Improvement Officer and Regional President, […]

Scott B. Dubchansky

Board of Visitors Mr. Scott B. Dubchansky Managing Director Rimrock Capital Management, LLC Scott is a partner at Rimrock Capital Management, LLC, a SEC Registered Investment Advisor headquartered in Irvine, California.  Founded in 1999, Rimrock manages assets on behalf of institutional clients and high net worth investors.  Previously, Scott was Managing Director and Founding Partner […]