Entries by Jenail Mobaraka

Should we regulate artificial intelligence?

By Joao Guerreiro The short stories in Isaac Asimov’s “I, Robot” discussed some of the dilemmas associated with artificial intelligence (AI). New developments in AI technology have brought these concerns from the pages of science-fiction stories to the forefront of policy discussions. In May 2023, a global AI consortium declared AI risks a priority, similar […]

UCLA takes Third Place in the Fed Challenge

The UCLA’s team took third place in the annual Fed Challenge, a national competition that asks teams of undergraduate students to analyze the economy and present a monetary policy recommendation to judges from the Federal Reserve. This year, 107 schools took part in the competition, with 3 teams from each of the six regions chosen […]

UCLA Professor Will Rafey contributes to the Fifth National Climate Assessment

UCLA Professor Will Rafey contributes to the writing of the Fifth National Climate Assessment released by the White House. The report highlights the widespread negative effects of climate change with the most damaging effects for low-income communities. The full report can be found here. Professor Rafey’s contribution was also discussed in the following UCLA Newsroom […]

The Inner Beauty of Firms

By Jacob Kohlhepp Full article available here. Anyone who has shopped at a Costco and a corner convenience store knows that firms selling the same products assign tasks to workers differently and have dramatically different levels of profitability. Economists have long recognized via case studies and theoretical work that some of these differences are due […]