Biden’s $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill compared to the New Deal, Great Society and War on Poverty

UCLA Economics Professor Martha Bailey’s work on the War on Poverty was featured in the Washington Post in relation to the current Biden infrastructure bill.  Her co-edited book,  Legacies of the War on Poverty, and her recent paper on the long-run returns to public investments, forthcoming in the American Economic Review, demonstrate how some federal […]

Adriana Lleras-Muney Receives NIH R21 Grant Award

A big congratulations to Adriana Lleras-Muney, who recently received an R21 grant from the National Institute of Health (NIH) to study the health impacts of long-run exposure to pollution using evidence from military personnel.  The R21 grant mechanism is intended to encourage exploratory and developmental research by providing support for the early and conceptual stages […]

Newly Elected Econometric Society Fellows 2021: Simon Board

The Department of Economics congratulates Simon Board, the Benjamin Graham Centennial Professor in Value Investing, on being named a Fellow of the Econometric Society  The Econometric Society is one of the most prestigious learned society in the field of economics, with a world-wide membership. Its main object is to promote studies that aim at a […]

Michela Giorcelli Wins Excellence Awards

On September 4th, Michela Giorcelli was one of two young economists based in the United States to receive this year’s Excellence Awards in Global Economics Affairs from the Kiel Institute for the World Economy. The other recipient, Javier Cravino, is a former UCLA Econonomics Phd Student who graduated in 2013.  The ceremony took place during the […]

The UCLA School of Economics

Recently, a book was published recounting the history of the UCLA Economics Department. This book, written by David R. Henderson and Steven Globerman, discusses some of the most important economists at UCLA during the 1970s: Armen Alchian, Harold Demsetz, Sam Peltzman, Benjamin Klein, Robert Clower, Axel Leijonhufvud, Jack Hirshleifer, William Allen, and George Hilton. To […]

Martin Hackmann wins the Warren C. Scoville Distinguished Teaching Award

Congratulations to Martin Hackmann, the winner of the Warren C. Scoville Distinguished Teaching Award for best undergraduate teaching in Spring 2021! Martin Hackmann won this award while teaching ECON 131: Economics of Health and Healthcare. This course provides an economic analysis of health and healthcare. It includes presentations of several detailed economic models, including models […]

New Department Leadership

On July 1st, Jinyong Hahn took over as Chair of the Department of Economics, taking over from Dora Costa. During her time as Chair, Dora introduced innovations to all aspects of the department. At the undergraduate level, the department obtained a STEM classification of the Economics major, reformed the undergraduate econometrics sequence, introduced new two-unit […]