Remembering Axel Leijonhufvud

The UCLA Department of Economics is sad to announce that Axel Leijonhufvud (1933-2022) passed away on May 2nd 2022. Axel was born in Stockholm, Sweden, and obtained his bachelor degree at the University of Lund. After coming to the United States in 1960, he earned an M.A. from the University of Pittsburgh and his Ph.D. from Northwestern University. […]

Rosa Matzkin Elected National Academy of Sciences Member

Rosa Matzkin, Charles E. Davidson Professor of Economics, has been elected a 2022 National Academy of Sciences member. The National Academy of Sciences, established in 1863 by a congressional act of incorporation signed by Abraham Lincoln, acts as an official advisory body to the federal government on matters of science and technology upon request. The academy is […]

Jacob Marshack and the short lived Terek Soviet Republic

The bill below comes from the short lived Terek Soviet Republic, which existed for less than a year in the Northern Caucasus. The republic’s Minister of Labor was none other than Jacob Marschak, appointed at the ripe old age of 19. Marschak’s final appointment was at UCLA.    

Martha Bailey Featured in UCLA Anderson Review

A paper by UCLA Professor Martha Bailey was featured in the UCLA Anderson Review. It studies the effect of increases in the minimum wage on employment and earnings of workers. The UCLA Anderson Review article can be found here. The paper published by Professor Martha Bailey can be found here.

Natalie Bau and David Baqaee named as 2022 Sloan Fellows

Natalie Bau and David Baqaee have been named as Sloan Fellows for 2022, two of eight economists nationwide. Natalie Bau is an assistant professor in the Economics Department. She graduated from Harvard, Public Policy, in 2015 and joined the Economics Department in 2020. Her research spans a variety of topics in development and educational economics, including […]

LIFE-M Data Access

The LIFE-M data, which has been more than seven years in the making, have been released. The data can be downloaded from OPEN ICPSR here.   The LIFE-M project combines millions of U.S. vital records (birth, marriage, death certificates) with census information into a longitudinal and intergenerational micro-database. With the help of cutting-edge, machine learning techniques, the LIFE-M […]