The Washington Post Discusses a Paper by UCLA Professor Martha Bailey

A Washington Post article discusses the paper “The COVID-19 Baby Bump: The Unexpected Increase in U.S. Fertility Rates in Response to the Pandemic,” by UCLA Professor Martha Bailey and coauthors Janet Currie and Hannes Schwandt. The Washington Post article can be found here. The paper, which studies the relationship between the pandemic and fertility rates […]

Guido Tabellini, a former PhD student and faculty member at UCLA, receives the 2022 Frontiers of Knowledge Award in Economics, Finance and Management

The 2022 Frontiers of Knowledge Award was awarded to Guido Tabellini, a former PhD student and faculty member of the UCLA economics department, for transforming political economy into a modern, empirical, interdisciplinary science. The award was shared with Timothy Besley and Torsten Persson. The three awardees, together with the late Alberto Alesina, have employed both theoretical and […]

Paper by Oleg Itskhoki Wins the Robert E. Lucas Jr. Prize

The Robert E. Lucas Jr. Prize was awarded to UCLA Professor Oleg Itskhoki and his coauthor Dmitry Mukhin for the paper “Exchange Rate Disconnect in General Equilibrium”, which was published in the Journal of Political Economy. The Robert E. Lucas Jr. Prize is awarded biannually for the most interesting paper in the area of Dynamic Economics […]