Econ Major named PAC 12 All-Academic

UCLA basketball center Tom Welsh and Economics major is named as PAC 12 All-Academic. Starting at 51:40, he talks about his favorite class (intermediate microeconomics!) and UCLA Basketball on the Bruin Insider show.  

Board of Visitors’ Barry Eggers on Snapchat

Venture capitalist Barry Eggers  (BA ’85)  is a member of our Board of Visitors, and frequent guest lecturer in Econ 106E and 106T. In this blog post he discusses how he discovered Snapchat five years ago, and went on to give them seed funding. Snapchat had its IPO yesterday.        

Pablo Fajgelbaum named Sloan Fellow

Pablo Fajgelbaum has been named as a 2017 Sloan Fellow, one of eight economists nationwide. Professor Fajgelbaum specializes in international trade. His recent research includes the distributional effects of international trade, the impact of regional tax policies, and optimal transport networks in general-equilibrium trade models. His teaches international trade theory at both undergraduate and graduate levels. The […]

Richard Blundell gives MAE Lecture

In the second MAE Distinguished Speaker Lecture, Professor Richard Blundell of University College London talked about “Empirical Evidence and Tax Reform” The lecture’s starting point was the Mirrlees Review that brought together a high-profile group of international experts to identify the characteristics of a good tax system for any developed economy in the 21st century. Professor Blundell described a broad […]

Simon Board wins Scoville Teaching Award

The winner of the Warren C. Scoville Distinguished Teaching Award  for Fall 2016 is Simon Board. Professor Board teaches Econ 106T: The Economics of e-Commerce and Technology. The class uses tools from game theory to study business strategy, including topics such as platform markets, innovation and reputation. The course then uses these insights to discuss recent […]

Jerry Hausman gives Inaugural MAE Lecture

Jerry Hausman, the John and Jennie S. MacDonald Professor of Economics at MIT, gave the inaugural Lecture of the Masters in Applied Economics Distinguished Speakers Series. The talk was entitled “Future Productivity: Pessimistic and Optimistic Viewpoints” and discussed the future evolution of productivity. Professor Hausman spoke about the changing roles of human and intellectual capital, and […]

Lee Ohanian on Trump’s economics plan

The following is from the San Diego Tribune Trump policies not good for growth, says UCLA economist On the eve of inauguration day, UCLA economist Lee Ohanian told a local audience Wednesday that President Donald Trump’s policies may not achieve his desired levels of economic growth and job gains. Speaking to the San Diego Regional […]

UCLA ranks #1 in Economic Mobility

In a recent study by economist Raj Chetty and coauthors ranks UCLA at #1 in their economic mobility index. In particular, 19.2% of UCLA students come from the bottom 40% of the income distribution, and 8.3% from the bottom 20%, more than any other elite university. See the New York Times article and the mobility statistics on UCLA

Adriana Lleras-Muney Named by President as a Top Scientist

On January 9th, President Obama named Adriana Lleras-Muney as a recipients of the Presidential Early Career Awards for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE), the highest honor bestowed by the United States Government on science and engineering professionals in the early stages of their independent research careers. “I congratulate these outstanding scientists and engineers on their impactful work,” President […]

Conference in honor of Hugo Hopenhayn

This weekend the department hosted a conference in honor of Hugo Hopenhayn. Since receiving his Ph.D. from Minnesota, Professor Hopenhayn has made fundamental contributions to industrial organization, macroeconomics and finance. Professor Hopenhayn is perhaps best known for his work on the evolution of industries, where he has provided elegant, tractable and quantitatively accurate models of […]