Ariel Burstein and Jonathan Vogel awarded Russell Sage Foundation grant

Ariel Burstein and Jonathan Vogel, together with Gordon Hanson of UCSD, received a two-year grant from “Russell Sage Foundation” (RSF) to support the project “Tradability and the Labor Market Impact of Immigration.” The total award is $127,000. They study how differences in the tradability of goods and services determine how U.S. local labor markets adjust […]

Marek Pycia wins Scoville Teaching Award

The department would like to congratulate Marek Pycia for winning the Warren C. Scoville Distinguished Teaching Award for excellence in undergraduate teaching. Professor Pycia’s Econ 106D course discusses the design and use of markets and other institutions to solve problems of matching markets and resource allocation.  The course uses both theory and case studies to help […]

Simon Board and Andres Santos announced as Editors

This summer, Professor Simon Board became Coeditor of Theoretical Economics and Professor Andres Santos became Coeditor of Quantitative Economics. These are leading journals in theoretical and empirical economics, and operate under the umbrella of the Econometric Society. They are also open access. Professor Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn has also become the Associate Editor at the Journal of Economic Theory, a […]

Michela Giorcelli awarded Grant in Innovation Policy

Professor Michela Giorcelli was awarded the NBER Small Grant in Innovation Policy with Professor Nicola Lacetera for their project on “Public Disclosure and the Evolution of Science and Technology: A text Analysis Approach”. This project seeks to understand the relationship between the quality and success of scientific discoveries, and the public perception, understanding and ultimate acceptance. To evaluate the […]

LA Times article on the stock market features interview with Lee Ohanian

In a recent article in the business section of the Los Angeles Times titled “The Fed took bold steps to books the economy.  Will undoing one of them rattle markets?”, UCLA’s Lee Ohanian was asked what he thought about the moved the Fed had made. The article discusses how the Federal Reserve bought up trillions […]

UCLA Welcomes Three New Faculty Members

The UCLA Economics Department is very happy to be joined by three new faculty this year.   Volker Nocke joins us from Mannheim as a Full Professor. Professor Nocke is an expert in Industrial Economics and International Trade. Much of his recent work has been concerned with mergers and competition policy. He has published in […]

Kathleen McGarry on U.S. Labor Force Participation

For the long term health of Social Security, it it important to make projections about future participation in the U.S. labor force. To understand this further, the Social Security Advisory Board appointed a Technical Panel of prominent labor economists that includes UCLA Professor, Kathleen McGarry. The final report shows that the secular decrease in participation rates for […]

Roger Farmer departs UCLA for UK position

After nearly thirty years in the Economics Department, we are sad to lose former Chair,  Roger Farmer, who will be taking up a new position in the U.K.. Professor Farmer grew up in England, obtained his Ph.D. at Western Ontario and joined UCLA in 1988. Since then he has risen to become a Distinguished Professor, serving […]

Martin Hackmann Featured in the NBER Bulletin

Martin Hackmann’s article titled “The Return to Nursing: Evidence from a Parental Leave Program” was featured in the latest edition of the NBER Bulletin on Aging and Health. The NBER article discusses the difficulties of quantifying nurses’ contributions to patient health.  The article then cites Professor Hackmann’s article as a much needed study to fill […]

Adriana Lleras-Muney in Vox and The New York Times

Adriana Lleras-Muney’s co-authored article on mothers’ pensions has been cited in two national news outlets this month, The New York Times and Vox.  The New York Times article cites Lleras-Muney’s study in an article about supply side economics, while Vox draws upon her research in connection to child poverty in the U.S..  Professor Lleras-Muney’s paper […]