Amazon Chief Economist gives MAE Distinguished Lecture

  As part of the MAE Distinguished Speaker series, Pat Bajari, the Chief Economist of Amazon, gave a talk on using big data in practice. His talk focused on the methodology of how to continuous refine algorithms to make steady improvements, by developing new models, training them on data and then testing them against competitors. […]

Department of Economics Undergrad Year-End Survey

Partnership UCLA has put out the Economics Department’s Year-End Survey.  The survey has the Class of 2017’s employment statistics, highlighted employers, class profile, fields of study, and much more.  Please click on the link below for more information: 2017 Undergraduate Year-End Survey

Till von Wachter new Associate Dean for Research

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Till von Wachter to the position of Associate Dean for Research for the Division of Social Sciences.  Professor von Wachter will work with the Dean and the Director for Research and Civic Engagement to find synergies and opportunities for enhancing the Division’s research infrastructure and strengthening […]

Adriana Lleras-Muney elected to Executive Committee of AEA

We are pleased to announce that Adriana Lleras-Muney has been elected to the Executive Committee of the American Economic Association for a three-year term beginning January 7, 2018. The AEA is the profession’s most important society, publishing seven economics journals, and having over 18,000 members.

Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn on AER Editorial Board

Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn joined the editorial board of the American Economic Review, one of the profession’s “top-5” journals, as an associate editor. He will be working with co-editor Jeff Ely on submissions in pure and applied economic theory.

William Zame elected fellow of Game Theory Society

The Economics Department is pleased to announce that William Zame has been elected as a fellow of the Game Theory Society.  According the to Society’s bylaws, “The Fellows of the Society are a group of people honored for their contributions to game theory and service to the Society, and are a source of advice for […]

Michela Giorcelli wins Alexander Gerschenkron Prize

Professor Michela Giorcelli was awarded the Alexander Gerschenkron Prize for her dissertation “Economic Recovery and the Determinants of Productivity and Innovation: Evidence from Post-WWII Italy”. The Alexander Gerschenkron Prize is annually awarded by the Economic History Association for the best dissertation in economic history of an area outside of the United States or Canada.  Congratulations!

Volker Nocke scientific chair of EARIE conference

Professor Volker Nocke is the scientific program chair of the 44thAnnual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE), which takes place from August 31 till September 2, 2017 in Maastricht, The Netherlands. With more than 400 participants from Europe, North America, and the rest of the world, it is the largest […]

François Geerolf Mentioned in The Economist

Professor François Geerolf is mentioned in The Economist magazine, in an article entitled “Kicking the can down an endless road“, for his work on dynamic inefficiency. One of the six big economic ideas chosen by the Economist in the summer of 2017, is this idea that some types of Ponzi schemes, such as pay-as-you-go systems, or […]

Till von Wachter on Working Conditions in the U.S.

The RAND Corporation published a study on working conditions in the U.S. that is coauthored by UCLA Professor, Till von Wachter. The study examines data from the American Working Conditions Survey and contains a number of interesting findings. For example, more than 25% of Americans surveyed say they don’t have enough time to do their jobs, […]