Martin Feldstein gives MAE Distinguished Speaker Talk

Professor Martin Feldstein gave the MAE Distinguished speaker talk on “The Future of Taxes, Money, and the Stock Market”. Professor Feldstein is the George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard University and President Emeritus of the National Bureau of Economic Research.   From 1982-1984, he was Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors and President Ronald […]

Adriana Lleras-Muney wins Scoville Teaching Award

In fall 2017, the economics department awarded Professor Lleras-Muney the Warren C. Scoville Distinguished Teaching Award for her class Economics 130: Public Finance. Professor Lleras-Muney’s popular lab-based public finance course introduces students to the latest issues on a range of public policy topics, ranging from health care to education. The class instructs students in data […]

Simon Board Gives Alumni Talk in London

Professor Simon Board gave a talk to UCLA alumni in London on the topic of “Reputation Design”. The talk discussed the challenges platforms like eBay, Yelp and IMDB face in eliciting and providing information to users. Professor Board discussed the different methods that are used to encourage participation, and also how they can give rise […]

Robert Barro Gives MAE Distinguished Speaker talk

Robert Barro talked about his views of the effect of the 2017 “Tax Cuts and Jobs Act”. He argued that the lower corporate tax rates will lower the cost of capital, and raise the long-run GDP by around 8%. He also argued that the individual tax cuts will raise the incentive for individuals to work […]

Adriana Lleras-Muney in Politico

In an essay in Politico, Professor Lleras-Muney discusses the lessons from the Mothers’ Pension Program, an early 20th century welfare program that gave cash to single mothers. Using census records, she finds that children in the program lived one to two years longer, and obtained higher education and incomes. The article can be found here.

Katherine Meckel article in the Washington Post

Research done by Katherine Meckel about how hydraulic fracking decreases infant health was featured in the Washington Post.  Katherine Meckel’s research findings were also reported in other major news outlets, including CNN, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, The Los Angeles Times, and many other news outlets.  The Washington Post article, titled “Fracking Sites May Raise […]

Lee Ohanian article in the Wall Street Journal

Lee Ohanian and Edward Prescott recently published an article in the Wall Street Journal titled “What in the Sam Hill are Cows Doing on the Sand Hill Road?”  Here is the text of the article in its entirety:   “If you stroll down Sand Hill Road in Menlo Park, Calif., you will find yourself among […]

Lee Ohanian article in the Wall Street Journal

Lee Ohanian recently co-published an article with Ted Temzelides in the Wall Street Journal titled “My Kingdom for a Renewable Energy Source.”  Here is the text of the article in its entirety:   ‘In 50 years, every street in London will be buried under 9 feet of manure.” With this 1894 prediction, the London Times […]

Martin Hackmann featured in Freakonomics Radio Podcast

Martin Hackmann and Benjamin Friedrich’s article “The Returns to Nursing: Evidence from Parental Leave Program” was featured in this week’s Freakonomics Radio Podcast.  The host of the podcast discusses the article, and interviews Martin and Benjamin in the radio program.

Adriana Lleras-Muney Mentioned in NYT Article

In a New York Times article titled “How A Healthy Economy Can Shorten Lifespans“, the author mentions Adriana Lleras-Muney’s research on the effects of industrial pollution on one’s quality of life and lifespan.  The article outlines how many economic factors, like the boom and bust cycle, can adversely affect a person’s health.  The article specifically […]