Professor Emeritus John J. McCall passes away at the age of 85

By John G. Riley, a Distinguished Professor of Economics at UCLA The UCLA Department of Economics is saddened to announce the passing of Professor Emeritus John J. McCall (February 28, 1933—September 24, 2018), he was 85 years old.  John received his BA from University of Notre Dame and his MBA and in 1959 his PhD […]

Kathleen McGarry elected to the National Senate for Phi Beta Kappa

The UCLA Department of Economics extends a heartfelt congratulations to Professor Kathleen McGarry on being elected to the National Senate for Phi Beta Kappa.  Founded in 1776, it is the nation’s most prestigious academic honor society.  It has chapters at 286 colleges and universities in the United States, nearly 50 alumni associations, and more than […]

The Good Times Can Roll On

This originally appeared in the August 24, 2018 print edition of the Wall Street Journal By Edward C. Presscott and Lee E. Ohanian.  Lee E. Ohanian is a Professor of Economics, and Director of the Ettinger Family Program in Macroeconomic Research at UCLA. The economy isn’t on a “sugar high.” Pro-market policy improved incentives to work […]

Professor Adriana Lleras-Muney elected to the PAA Nominating Committee

Adriana Lleras-Muney, Professor of Economics at UCLA, was recently elected to the Nominating Committee of the Population Association of America (PAA). The PAA is a nonprofit, scientific, professional organization established to promote the improvement, advancement, and progress of the human condition through research of problems related to human population.  Members of the PAA include demographers, […]

UCLA Department of Economics welcomes David Baqaee

The UCLA Department of Economics is pleased to announce the appointment of David Baqaee as Assistant Professor.  David received his Ph.D. from Harvard and worked previously at the London School of Economics.  He works on aggregation in disaggregated macroeconomic models, with an emphasis on the role production networks play in business cycles, growth, and international […]

Tomasz Sadzik wins Spring 2018 Scoville Teaching Award

We would like to congratulate Professor Tomasz Sadzik for winning the Scoville Award for best undergraduate teaching in Spring 2018 for his class Econ 106G on Introduction to Game Theory. Game Theory provides a set of tools to study the interaction of multiple strategic agents. It can be used to analyze situations in which the objective […]

Professor Emeritus Masanao Aoki passes away at the the age of 87

The UCLA Department of Economics is saddened to announce the passing of Professor Emeritus Masanao Aoki (May 14, 1931—July 24, 2018), he was 87 years old.  Professor Aoki earned a BA and MSc in Physics from the University of Tokyo, and he earned a PhD in engineering from UCLA in 1960.  He taught engineering at […]

UCLA Economics Graduates gets Earnings Boost

Earnings data from UCLA shows that UCLA Business Economics and Economics graduates earn 45% and 30% more than average UC graduates two years after graduation, and that these differences persist. For example, 10 years after graduation, the median Business Economics student earns $113k, while a quarter of the class earn more than $158k. This speaks […]

Social Enterprise Academy Venture Showcase

The UCLA Department of Economics, along with UCLA Alumni Career Programs and The Academies for Social Entrepreneurship hosted the eighth annual UCLA Social Enterprise Academy Venture Showcase & Symposium. This event featured three teams of students representing local community organizations pitching the business ventures they developed in our social enterprise courses Econ 173A and 173B […]

Giorcelli, Meckel and Nocke become members of the NBER

Congratulations to Professors Michela Giorcelli, Katherine Meckel and Volker Nocke, who became members of the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research. Giorcelli is a Faculty Research Fellow at the “Development of American Economy” group, Meckel is a Faculty Research Fellow in programs on “Public Economics” and “The Economics of Children”, and Nocke is a Research Associate of the “Industrial […]