Yiyang Sun

Biography: Yiyang Sun is a third-year student double-majoring in Business Economics and Statistics and Data Science. He is an international student from Jinan, China. During his three years at UCLA, Yiyang has been participating in many campus organizations and activities. He was a member of the UCLA Esports Team, where he competed in Hearthstone Collegiate Championships alongside with his two other amazing teammates. He is also a member of the Chinese Bruins Union at UCLA, which is dedicated to fostering a more inclusive, accessible community for other Chinese international students on campus. In his free time, Yiyang enjoys watching movies, swimming, and playing boardgames with his friends.
Future Plans: As a Business Economics/Statistics double major, Yiyang is interested in the data-analytical and statistical side of the financial market and would like to combine the strengths of his fields of study in his future career path. After graduating from UCLA, Yiyang plans to pursue a Master of Financial Engineering degree, which he is currently preparing for. From there, he hopes to enter the quantitative finance and investment field afterwards. Yiyang also plans to start taking the CFA exams before graduation and hopes to become a licensed CFA to aid his professional development.
What this scholarship means to me: I am greatly honored and grateful to receive the Donald Lipschutz Scholarship reward for the 2024 – 2025 academic year. I cannot emphasize how important and inspiring this scholarship is to me. It will undoubtfully help to alleviate my financial burden and allow me to better focus on my academics and personal growth. Beyond the financial support, it is such a strong motivation and gives me confidence to continuously strive for academic success afterwards. It also shows me what it means to be connected with the Bruin community across generations and inspires me to contribute back to the community whenever I can. I would like to express my gratitude to the donors for their benevolent generosity.