Virginia Morrow

Virginia Morrow

Biography: Virginia Morrow is a fourth-year student studying Business Economics. Originally from Minnetonka, Minnesota, she came to UCLA to challenge herself academically and learn from the best in the field. At UCLA, she has found a strong culture, rigorous coursework, and a remarkable community. Virginia takes great pride in her educational achievements, including earning the IB Diploma and placing on the UCLA Dean’s Honors List. She currently serves as a director on the board of the Undergraduate Business Society, and works in the Center for Impact at UCLA’s Anderson School of Management. Outside of the classroom, Virginia loves performing in choir, visiting new places, and volunteering at the Geffen Playhouse. She would like to thank her family and friends for their continued love and encouragement. 


Future Plans: Post-graduation, Virginia looks forward to applying her Business Economics degree in a career in finance. She hopes to use her education as a means to help others navigate complex financial systems. With internships in consulting at PwC and asset management at Goldman Sachs during her college career, she is eager to pursue a career at the intersection of interpersonal and technical skills, and is considering returning to school for a masters degree in the future. 


What this scholarship means to me: To be recognized for this academic achievement award is a great honor, and I am deeply grateful to the department as well as the Bruce family for selecting me as the 2024-25 recipient of the Patricia and Harry L. Bruce scholarship. The financial support of this generous gift will help cover the costs of tuition, and set me up for a strong path after graduation. I have gained so much during my time at UCLA, in the form of exceptional educational experiences, extracurriculars, and friendships, and to receive this prestigious award is a great point of pride. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to both the Bruce family and the Department of Economics for naming me for this honor.