UCLA Econ Places in The Fed Challenge

This year UCLA participated in the Federal Reserve Challenge for the first time.  The Fed Challenge is a nationwide competition among colleges and universities in which student-teams formulate a monetary policy recommendation and present it to judges from the Fed. The UCLA team finished first in its division and in the top 6 nationwide. The team was composed of Chris Surro (coach), Colleen Burns, David Hu, Jaden Locke, Richard Covrig and Rebecca De La O (presenters), Anna Verghese, Arif Abd Aziz, Jia Chen, Joleen Chiu, Matthew Craig, Michael Keily, Phoebe Chiu, Rawi Baransy, and Shane Hixon (research support). The press release from the Federal Reserve is available here: https://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/pressreleases/other20211119a.htm