William R. Zame

William R. Zame
Jack Hirshleifer Professor of Economics
Email: zame@econ.ucla.edu
Office: 9290 Bunche Hall
Personal Website: https://sites.google.com/view/williamzame
William Zame is Distinguished Professor of Economics and Mathematics at UCLA. His recent research includes work on the impact of culture on economic outcomes in diverse societies, informational asymmetries in macroeconomics. experimental financial markets, and a number of topics in machine learning (especially in application to medicine). He has published extensively in Econometrica and other top general interest journals. He is currently Co-Editor of Economic Theory and Associate Editor of Theoretical Economics; in the past he has been an Associate Editor of Econometrica, Journal of Economic Theory and Journal of Mathematical Economics.
Ph.D. Tulane University
Research Areas
Experimental Economics, Finance, Game Theory, Microeconomic Theory