Simon Board

Simon Board

Benjamin Graham Centennial Chair in Value Investing

Simon Board

Office: Bunche Hall 9353

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Simon Board is a Professor of Economics and the Benjamin Graham Centennial Chair in Value Investing at UCLA. He is a microeconomic theorist who studies information economics, with applications to auction design, industrial organization, and labor economics. His recent research includes the spread of information on social networks, the design of dynamic pricing algorithms, and the role of reputation in incentivizing investment. Simon has published in the American Economic ReviewEconometrica, the Journal of Political Economy and the Review of Economic Studies and is a Fellow of the Econometric Society. He is also lead Editor at Theoretical Economics and teaches classes on competitive strategy, organizational economics and game theory.


Ph.D. Graduate School of Business, Stanford University

Research Areas:

Game Theory, Industrial Organization, Microeconomic Theory

Selected Books and Publications

Research Interests