Oleg Itskhoki

Oleg Itskhoki
Venu and Ana Kotamraju Endowed Chair in Economics
Email: itskhoki@econ.ucla.edu
Office: Bunche Hall 8343
Personal Website: http://itskhoki.com/
Oleg Itskhoki is a Professor of Economics at University of California, Los Angeles. He is also a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research, a Research Affiliate at the Center for Economic Policy Research, and an Associate Editor at the American Economic Review. He was a participate of the 2009 Review of Economic Studies Tour, a Sloan Research Fellow in 2015-2017, and was on the list IMF’s list of 25 economists under 45. His areas of interest include globalization and labor markets, and exchange rates and international relative prices. His work studies macroeconomic consequences of various frictions—in the labor market, in the financial market, in the product market, and in nominal price setting—in economies with micro-level heterogeneity, connecting theory with detailed micro-level data.
Harvard University, PhD 2009
New Economic School, MA 2004
Moscow State University, BA 2003