Welcome New Faculty Members

We are pleased to announce Assistant Prof. Shuyang Sheng who…

Farmer awarded economic science prize for new research

Distinguished professor of economics Roger Farmer has received…

4th Alumni Conference

We are pleased to announce that the UCLA Department of Economics…

UCLA Economics Department mentioned in May 2013 Esquire magazine article!

The May 2013 edition of Esquire magazine features an article…

Financial Time featured op-ed by Roger Farmer

Confessions of a Keynesian heretic

In Memoriam: Armen A. Alchian

Armen Alchian was born on April 12, 1914 in Fresno, California.…

Professor Lloyd Shapley accepts Nobel prize in economics in Stockholm

UCLA emeritus professor of economics Lloyd Shapley today accepted…

Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Lloyd S. Shapley

Congratulations to Professor Emeritus Lloyd S. Shapley of the…