Harold Demsetz
Harold Demsetz (1930-2019), a long-time professor at UCLA, was a pioneer in the development and use of microeconomic theory to analyze questions of how property rights and institutional arrangements affect competitive behavior of firms and individuals and market outcomes. His former colleagues, students, and friends are hosting this conference in his honor and to encourage new research related to Demsetz’s work.
The conference is organized by the UCLA Economics Department, chaired by Jinyong Hahn, along with the organizing committee, which includes John Asker (UCLA), Harry DeAngelo (University of Southern California), Tom Hazlett (Clemson University), Thomas Hubbard (Northwestern University), Joseph Kalt (Harvard University), Jonathan Karpoff (University of Washington), Kenneth Lehn (University of Pittsburgh), Sam Peltzman (University of Chicago), Robert Topel (University of Chicago), and Kam-Ming Wan (Hanken School of Economics).
Conference Schedule
Friday, May 27th, 2022
9am-5pm Conference
6pm Remembrance Dinner and Banquet
The full conference schedule can be found here: Full Schedule.
Accommodation Detail
The Harold Demsetz Conference has reserved a discounted room block at the UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center and Hotel. Conference attendees hoping to book a room at the Luskin Conference Center can visit the center’s website here or contact the reservation line via phone at (855) 588-8252 and use code 222605EC.
For inquiries about the conference, please email demsetzconference@econ.ucla.edu