Econometrica - January 2018

Unordered Monotonicity

James J. Heckman and Rodrigo Pinto
Journal of Political Economy - October 2017

International Trade, Technology, and the Skill Premium

Ariel Burstein and Jonathan Vogel

Econometrica - July 2017

Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Estimation Under Monotonicity

Denis Chetverikov and Daniel Wilhelm

Quarterly Journal of Economics - May 2017

Uncertainty Traps

Pablo D. Fajgelbaum Edouard Schaal, and Mathieu Taschereau-Dumouchel

Econometrica - March 2017

Single-Crossing Random Utility Models

Jose Apesteguia, Miguel A. Ballester, Jay Lu

Econometrica - November 2016

Random Choice and Private Information

Jay Lu

Review of Economic Studies - October 2016

Shrinkage estimation of high-dimensional factor models with structural instabilities

Xu Cheng, Zhipeng Liao, Frank Schorfheide

Quarterly Journal of Economics - September 2016

Measuring the Unequal Gains From Trade

Pablo D. Fajgelbaum, Amit K. Khandelwal

Journal of Political Economy - August 2016

Revenue Management with Forward-Looking Buyers

Simon Board, Andy Skrzypacz

American Economic Review - April 2016

The Long Run Impact of Cash Transfers to Poor Families

Anna Aizer, Shari Eli, Joseph Ferrie, Adriana Lleras-Muney