Optimal Lockdown in a Commuting Network
Pablo D. Fajgelbaum, Amit Khandelwal, Wookun Kim, Cristiano Mantovani, & Edouard Schaal
How Does Incarceration Affect Reoffending? Estimating the Dose-Response Function
Evan K. Rose and Yotam Shem-Tov
Incentive Constrained Risk Sharing, Segmentation, and Asset Pricing
Bruno Biais, Johan Hombert and Pierre-Olivier Weill
Workforce Composition, Productivity, and Labour Regulations in a Compensating Differentials Theory of Informality
Daniel Haanwinckel and Rodrigo R Soares
Learning Dynamics in Social Networks
Simon Board & Moritz Meyer‐ter‐Vehn
Understanding Disparities in Punishment: Regulator Preferences and Expertise
Karam Kang and Bernardo S. Silveira
The Returns to Nursing: Evidence from a Parental-Leave Program
Benjamin U Friedrich & Martin B Hackmann
Exchange Rate Disconnect in General Equilibrium
Oleg Itskhoki and Dmitry Mukhin
Bootstrap Standard Error Estimates and Inference
Jinyong Hahn & Zhipeng Liao