Market Structure, Oligopsony Power, and Productivity
Michael Rubens
Welfare and Output With Income Effects and Taste Shocks
David R Baqaee, Ariel Burstein
Self-Fulfilling Prophecies, Quasi Nonergodicity, and Wealth Inequality
Jean-Philippe Bouchaud and Roger E. A. Farmer
Constrained Conditional Moment Restriction Models
Victor Chernozhukov, Whitney K. Newey, Andres Santos
Misallocation and Capital Market Integration: Evidence From India
Natalie Bau, Adrien Matray
Inference for Large-Scale Linear Systems with Known Coefficients
Zheng Fang, Andres Santos, Azeem M. Shaikh, Alexander Torgovitsky
Droughts, Deluges, and (River) Diversions: Valuing Market-Based Water Reallocation
Will Rafey
A Theory of Participation in OTC and Centralized Markets
Jérôme Dugast, Semih Üslü, Pierre-Olivier Weill