The Review of Economics Studies - May 2024

The Darwinian Returns to Scale Get access Arrow

David Rezza Baqaee, Emmanuel Farhi, Kunal Sangani

American Economic Review - May 2024

Urban Public Works in Spatial Equilibrium: Experimental Evidence from Ethiopia

Simon Franklin, Clément Imbert, Girum Abebe and Carolina Mejia-Mantilla

Review of Economic Studies - May 2024

Is the Social Safety Net a Long-Term Investment? Large-Scale Evidence From the Food Stamps Program

Martha Bailey, Hilary Hoynes, Maya Rossin-Slater, and W. Reed Walker

Journal of Political Economy - April 2024

The Supply-Side Effects of Monetary Policy

David R. Baqaee, Emmanuel Farhi, and Kunal Sangani

Econometrica - March 2024

Networks, Barriers, and Trade

David Rezza Baqaee, Emmanuel Farhi

Econometrica - March 2024

Production and Learning in Teams

Kyle Herkenhoff, Jeremy Lise, Guido Menzio, Gordon M. Phillips

Econometrica - March 2024

Flexible Moral Hazard Problems

George Georgiadis, Doron Ravid, Balázs Szentes

Econometrica - January 2024

Can Restorative Justice Conferencing Reduce Recidivism? Evidence From the Make-it-Right Program

Yotam Shem‐Tov, Steven Raphael, Alissa Skog

American Economic Review - November 2023

Who Controls the Agenda Controls the Legislature

S. Nageeb Ali, B. Douglas Bernheim, Alexander W. Bloedel, Silvia Console Battilana

Journal of Political Economy - September 2023

Labor Market Conflict and the Decline of the Rust Belt

Simeon D. Alder, David Lagakos, and Lee Ohanian