Celine Tambrin

Celine Tambrin

Biography: Zoe is a junior majoring in Business Economics with double minors in Statistics & Data Science and Public Affairs. Her interests lie in economic and strategy consulting, where she aims to apply economic theory and data to practical and impactful applications, particularly in influencing decisions within regulatory environments. This passion has led her to join International Bruins in Business (IBB), a consulting club that provides clients with business solutions, where will be acting as Co-President in the upcoming year. Professionally, she has gained experience in finance and business strategy through her past internships in the Corporate Banking and Corporate Finance divisions of investment and commercial banks, as well as at a few startups. 


Future Plans: This summer, Zoe will be joining a global strategy firm in their financial services division as a Policy & Investment Analyst Intern in Washington, D.C. In this position, she hopes to help investors navigate regulatory landscapes by exploring how policy affects investments in different industries. After graduation, she plans to work in economic consulting for a few years to gain practical experience before potentially pursuing a Ph.D. in economics and contributing to the field of microeconomic research.  


What this scholarship means to me: I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Joan E. Anderson for their generous support and to the Department of Economics Awards Committee for this incredible recognition. It is a great honor to be chosen as a recipient of this scholarship, and I am deeply appreciative of the opportunity it provides. This award serves as a reminder of the importance of intellectual curiosity and the drive to make a tangible impact on the world. I am eager to use the skills and knowledge I gain through my education to contribute positively to the UCLA community and beyond.