Entries by Lauren Burger

Jacob Galant

Biography: Jacob’s life is in great part, fueled by the relationship he had with his father. Almost every night when he was growing up, his dad would read to him before he went to bed. While the characters and settings varied slightly, they always told stories of grand adventures, driven by heroes traveling through unknown […]

Trevor Gadsby

Biography: Trevor Gadsby is majoring in Business Economics with a minor in Accounting and a concentration in the Benjamin Graham Value Investing Program. He is currently a teaching assistant for undergraduate accounting classes at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. Trevor holds numerous leadership positions in clubs at UCLA including the Alumni Scholars Club where […]

Claire Ding

Biography: Claire Ding is a second-year student from China pursuing a B.A. in Business Economics with a minor in Accounting. As the first in her family to study abroad, Claire is highly motivated in her academics, maintaining a high GPA and actively engaging in campus organizations such as Beta Alpha Psi and the Volunteer Income […]

Maria Bozhkova

Biography: Maria Bozhkova is a rising junior international student of Business Economics from Bulgaria. Driven, motivated, and ambitious, she is a stellar honors student, part of the William F. Sharpe Fellowship Program and the UC Investments Academy. She has experience in the financial industry, ranging from start-up companies to multi-million dollar corporations. Outside of academics, […]

Brandon Chen

  Biography: Brandon is a third-year Business Economics student who transferred from Mt. San Antonio College in the summer of 2023. He and his family moved from Taiwan to the United States in the summer of 2013 pursuing a better education and environment for him and his sister. Brandon enjoys subjects such as sports, the […]

Maria Jose De La Cruz

Biography: Maria is a first-generation queer Latina student from Fresno, California. Maria will be the first in my extended and immediate family to have a bachelor’s next year. She has two younger siblings and as the eldest daughter going to a top university was her biggest dream. Getting to UCLA was a life-changing experience for […]

Fatma Ali

Biography: Fatma Ali is a determined trailblazer who courageously moved from Egypt to America at just six years old, carrying all her family’s hopes and dreams with her. Despite facing many challenges with the transition, Fatma’s thirst for learning burned bright, fueled by her natural curiosity about numbers and quantitative subjects. Each academic success was […]