Angelina Dang

2020 Lawrence and Joan E. Anderson Fund Recipient

Biography: Angelina Dang is currently a junior at UCLA with a major in Business Economics and a minor in Accounting. Born and raised in China, she came to the United States three years ago to pursue a Bachelor’s degree at UCLA. Here, many challenging yet fascinating courses have triggered her interest in accounting, finance, and investing. To further her interest, she actively participates in the accounting club Beta Alpha Psi to network with professionals and the investing club Smart Woman Securities to learn more about personal investment. To demonstrate her involvement in the LA community, she is a tax preparer at VITA to provide free tax assistance to low-income families and elders in her free time.


Future plans: To equip herself with sufficient professional skills and knowledge, Angelina Dang plans to attend graduate programs in quantitative finance or public policy after graduating from UCLA. In the long run, she will pursue a career in consulting or investment banking due to her strong interest in finance and investing. Ultimately, she intends to apply her skills and experience to start her own business in the United States or back in her home country China.


What does this scholarship mean to me? It is my honor to be a recipient of The Lawrence & Joan E. Anderson Fund. I want to express my sincere gratitude towards Mr. and Mrs. Anderson for making this scholarship possible and supporting students like me. This scholarship alleviates my financial stress and enables me to focus on improving my academic performance. More importantly, it acknowledges my past academic and extra-curriculum achievements and motivates me to continue serving the community and progressing towards my long-term career goals.